Friday, September 3, 2010


Angiosarcoma is one of the most devastating and lethal types of cancer.
It begins as a growth within blood vessels, but can quickly become cancerous and spread to many other systems.
Like most forms of cancer, Angiosarcoma is uncontrolled cell replication, but its relation to the circulatory system pose unique threats to the health of any individual.

Any malignant condition that affects the blood is extremely dangerous, for it is quite easy for the cancerous cells to “mestastize,” or spread cancer to other, healthy systems.
Because angiosarcoma affects blood vessels, this type of cancer often proves to be aggressive, difficult to treat, and recurs often.
It has the potential to occur in any part of the body, often without warning, and is frequently without symptoms until there is a serious medical emergency.

Although angiosarcoma has the potential to affect any part of the body at any time, there are certain areas it occurs more often. Some of these places include:
Soft tissues: muscles, blood vessels, virtually anywhere the skin, liver, spleen, bone, lungs and heart.

In some cases, unfortunate victims develop angiosarcoma in the linings of the lymph system, vital organs responsible for the distribution of antibodies and disease-fighting agents throughout the body.
Any time a cancer affects a system that is responsible for distributing chemicals throughout the body, such as blood or lymph, its lethality increases exponentially.

Tragically, angiosarcoma is one of the most insidious cancers imaginable, not only for the damage it causes but also due to the fact that it does not respond well to conventional therapies that are used to aggressively attack other cancerous conditions.

Further complicating treatment is the fact that angiosarcoma is extremely rare because only 20-60 new cases are diagnosed every year, understanding and treating this devastating condition is extremely difficult.
The combination of a rare condition and aggressive growth make angiosarcoma one of the deadliest cancers in the world.
The point that i post this article is because one of my friend is suffering this type of cancer as told by my friend.
Hope that God will be there to help him.
"Harap doakan kesihatan beliau untuk cepat sembuh dari penyakit yang tidak sepatutnya singgah pada tubuh beliau."
We will pray for you my friend.

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